Chop Sticks Car Club Presents
Tokyo Hot Rod Nite

We had a cruise night party this rainy season before the hot summer came. The forecast said it would rain at night, but it didn't. Earlier that day, some people came to the MOON Equipped Shop around 6pm, and talked about the cruise plan. We felt uneasy wondering how many people would come. People began to show up for the course about 8pm. It was like a car show at MOON Equipped Shop in Ebisu.
This cruise night was advertised on several magazines, so many people were there, too. The night was really nice and still sunny. Lots of people took pictures and video. "Hey, please show us when you come to our shop."
The number of the cars around 9 was 15. Although some guys didn't show up, we couldn't wait anylonger. "Let's go!" The cruisin' course was as usual. From Meijj street, to Harajuku, then Omotesandoh, and finally Aoyama street. An accident occurred between Meiji street and Harajuku. The cruise was cut short. Can you imagine what happened? There was a street demonstration or something. "Oh! How come you guys are holding a demonstration in so late at night??" After 10 minutes of waiting, the demonstration went away. Our plan was for the audience to look at us, but in reality, they only looked at the demonstration! After a while of cruisin, we were in Aoyama street. When the talking about custom began again, V8 motor sounds are coming. The Ogawas of Mary Poppins came with '59 El Camino convertible. His wife was driving. After that, Mr. and Mrs. Ueda came in their '50 Merc and her Herley Davidson Shovelhead. It was so cool to see that both husband and wife have the same hobby.
Well, it's almost time to bug out. Thank you, everyone! We wanna have more cruise night's like this. The next cruise night is not decided yet. If you are interested, please call us or send e-mails.
Sincerely Konny |